Onda & Bim


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crystalline wave

spectrum of emotions

BIM is the new performance podcast from the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Producer Benjamin Tomasi invites artists to stream a live performance to him from anywhere in the world, and records these with a special microphone technique on the street corner in front of the Palais des Beaux Arts.

Ice cubes, piano and crystal glass are the elements of this electro-acoustic improvisation by Luiza Schulz. Transmitted from Rio de Janeiro into this particularly hot and humid summer night in front of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Recorded by Bernhard Garnicnig on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. With Additional recordings courtesy of Peter Cusak. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening. www.palaisdesbeauxarts.at

Thanks to Bernard Garnicing’s (curation), Pedro Vinci (sound engineering) and Volkmar Klien, for Peter Cusack’s “Baikal Ice” sounds and wisdom lifts.